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Practice Schedule

Monday Tuesday* Wednesday – Thursday

* Tuesday practices stop with the first swim meet

Age Group Start Swim Time
11-18 4:25 4:30-5:20
7/8 5:15 5:20-6:10
6 & Under 6:05 6:10-6:40
9/10 6:35 6:40-7:30


Age Group Start Swim Time
9/10 7:55 8:00-8:45
7/8 8:40 8:45-9:15
6 & Under 9:10 9:15-9:45
11-18 9:40 9:45-10:30

  • Age Group is determined by the swimmers age as of June 1st.
  • Start time is when the swimmers are to meet and huddle poolside. This start time is very important as it allows the coach time to speak to the swimmers, share needed information and explain the day’s practice. Parents please help by ensuring that swimmers are on deck ready to go at that time.
  • There is NO PRACTICE MEMORIAL DAY or 4th of JULY.
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