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Team Information

Learn more about Highcroft Hurricanes Swim Team (HHST), or check out our FAQs.

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Swim Lessons

Interested in getting some additional instruction & stroke refinement outside of practice? Several of our HHST Coaches are also providing extra swim lessons outside of regular practice.

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Registration & Safety Screening

HHST registration is open to all Highcroft residents for kids through 18 years of age. There is no lower age limit, however we do require swimmers aged 9 and under to complete a safety screening (able to swim 1 lap unassisted) prior to joining the team. Safety screenings are typically held at the beginning of the season (around the kick-off party and during the first week), but can also be requested separately. Please contact [email protected] to request a separate screening.

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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events
List of upcoming events
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Why Join the HHST?

  1. Learn how to swim and dive with proper technique.
  2. It's a fun way to get great exercise. 
  3. Cool ribbons and prizes!
  4. We love to cheer on our team and win spirit awards. Lots of team spirit!
  5. Fun social events throughout the season.
  6. Hang with neighborhood friends -- and a chance to make new ones! 
  7. The pool cools you off in the hot NC summer.
  8. Our concessions are yummy! (Lots of candy!!)
  9. We have awesome coaches who will help you improve as a swimmer.
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